About Calle J. Brookes

Calle J. Brookes has been hooked on romance since age nine, thanks to her mamaw’s Harlequin stash. Now, she devours every romance sub-genre—much to her daughter's embarrassment, especially when she sports her I <3 Romance Novelstee in public.

Her imagination is a wild playground where she builds the intense world of PAVAD: FBI, crafts Finley Creek’s alpha-filled Texas drama, and vacations with dangerously hot ranchers in Masterson County.

A proud social recluse in central Indiana, Calle shares her home with a vampire-esque husband, a tween prone to dramatic ailments, a bird-phobic beagle (Jasper Horace), a border collie with a goddess complex (Freyja Jade), and Yama Banana Puddingstone the Death Cat. (Yes, that’s his real name). There is also a white rabbit who appeared literally out of thin air (seriously, he just appeared under the RV and ended up...staying.)

With 70+ books and two decades of writing under her belt, Calle delivers suspense, paranormal, contemporary, and a dash of historical romance—packed with action, humor, snark, and plenty of love. She’s also the brains behind Lost River Lit Publishing, where she’s bringing her backlist into paperback and large print while dreaming of her tiny hometown finally getting a stoplight. (No miracles yet).

Expect more series and releases in 2025 & 2026. Want updates? Follow her on BookBub or visit her blog www.callejbrookesreads.com. You can also feel free to join Calle's newsletter, for book updates.

Please poke around, find something to read. Maybe you’ll end up a romance junkie, too. (If you aren’t already...)